美高面试题型与注意事项 面试表现影响你的录取率


01 美高面试是什么?

1. 面试时长

15-25 min

2. 面试形式






02 线上面试先准备
















03 面试常见问题

一、自我介绍 Personal Introduction

1. 你最近好吗?

How are you doing?

2. 你如何描述自己的家乡?

How would you describe your hometown?

3. 介绍你的家庭背景?

Tell me about your family background?

4. 你父母是做什么的?

What do your parents do?

5. 你目前就读的学校和年级?

What school are you currently going to?Tell me your schoolname and what grade are you in?

6. 你周围的人是怎么评价你的?

How do your teachers and friends describe you?

二、学术背景 Academic Background

1. 你如何评价自己的学术能力?

How do you appraise your academic ability?

2. 告诉我一些你所学的课程,你最喜欢的科目,为什么?

Tell me something about your courses, what is your favorite subject? Why?

3. 哪一门课程对于你来说是最困难或最具挑战性的? 为克服这些困难和解决这些问题你做了些什么?通过克服这些困难你学到了什么?

Which courses have been the most difficult or most challenging for you? What have you done to overcome these difficulties? What have you learned through this experience?

4. 描述你在学校典型的一天生活。

Please describe a typical day at school.

三、课外活动 Extracurricular Activities

1. 你有什么爱好和特别感兴趣的事情?你的兴趣爱好是什么?

Do you have any hobbies or special interests? What’s your hobby?

2. 请描述你的特殊才能。

Describe your special talents, abilities, or interests.

3. 哪项课外活动中你做的贡献最大?

What has been your greatest contribution to an extracurricular activity?

4. 你最喜欢哪本书,最喜欢哪位作者,最欣赏哪一部电影或电视?为什么?

What is your favorite book, author, movie or TV? Why?

5. 你经常阅读哪一份杂志和报纸?

What magazines or newspapers do you read regularly?

6. 你喜欢运动吗?

Do you like sports?

7. 你最近的一次暑假是怎么度过的?

How did you spend your last summer holiday?

8. 你以前出过国吗?去过哪些国家?

Have you ever been abroad before?

9. 你有自己一个人去旅行的经历吗?

Have ever you traveled alone?

10. 你感觉到有压力的时候会怎么做?

What will you do when feeling depressed?

11. 什么事情能让你开心?什么事情让你烦心?

What makes you happy?What bothers you?

四、美国高中 US high school

1. 你为什么要选择到美国读书?

Explain why you desire to study in America?

2. 你和你的父母是如何选择学校的?

How did you and your parents choose school?

3. 你对于我们学校最感兴趣的是什么?为什么想来这所学校念书?

Why do you want to attend our School?

4. 你是如何看待美国高中的?

How would you describe American high school?

5. 你将如何适应美国的高中教育体制?

How would you adjust to a different educational system?

6. 你以前离开过你父母吗?

Have you ever left your parents?

7. 你以前住过校吗?你认为住宿在校园有哪些好处和坏处?

Have you ever lived on campus before? How do you think of living on campus?

8. 你认为和美国家庭住在一起有哪些好处?

How do you think of living with an American host family?

五、其他问题 Other Questions

1. 你比较关注的话题有哪些?或者你最关注的话题是什么?

Let’s talk about a topic you concerned about recently.

2. 你收到过的最特别的礼物是什么?

What is the most special gift you have ever got?

3. 你每天花多长时间完成家庭作业?

How long does it take to finish your homework everyday?

4. 告诉我一件你在学校里发生的难忘的经历。

Please tell me about a memorable past school experience (positive or negative).

5. 请描述一件令你感到自豪的事情。

Please describe one experience that makes you feel proud of.

6. 你是否曾经失败过?你如何面对失败?

Tell us about a time that you were challenged and did not meet your goal. How did you respond to it, and what did you learn from it?

7. 每个人都有自己独特的能力,你的超能力是什么?

What is your superpower?