Eg:Professor: It’s as if floating objects act as magnets for fish. The fish are attracted to them and just hang out there for extended periods. The behavior must serve some purpose, but what? Any ideas? Paul?
Okay, before we get to any of those, let’s start with one of the first hypotheses researchers ever considered which was developed on the basis of the behavior of tuna, and that’s the meeting point hypothesis.
Professor: Okay, the shelter from predators and food supply hypotheses. Well, juveniles from all species are more vulnerable to predators than adults are. And in many specie
这篇lecture关于鱼群聚集行为的问题,给出了学术界不同的两个观点,一个是the meeting hypothesis,另一个是 the shelter from predators and food supply hypotheses。
Eg:Professor: So, we’ll be examining the architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright and the philosophy behind his design. For Wright, the idea for each building’s structure had to evolve from and be in harmony with its site, the geographical qualities of its particular environment. This was the essence of a philosophy he developed called organic architecture. Out of all the buildings he designed perhaps the most significant embodiment of that philosophy is the building known as Falling Water.
这是一篇建筑学的lecture,讲解的建筑是Frank Lloyd Wright的 falling water 落水山庄,以及它背后所涉及到的建造理论。
Eg:Professor: Probably the most important musical development of the twentieth century was the emergence of electronic music. The ability to generate sound electronically opened up many new possibilities for composers. So, let’s look at three major breakthroughs in this area.
The first was magnetic tape as a recording medium…….
Now, the next breakthrough was the synthesizer. ……….
Professor: Right. Many composers don’t even use musical instruments anymore.
这篇lecture 通过时间先后顺序依次介绍了音乐的发展历史,从magnetic tape到synthesizer再到computer。
Eg:Professor: We’ve been talking about early civilizations. Those that existed seven to eight thousand
years ago. And today I’d like to talk about the switch from foraging, or searching for whatever wild food was available, to farming, intentionally cultivating crops.
通过对比 foraging 和farming来讲解知识点